Being an Altar Server provides the opportunity for young boys and girls of our parish to participate actively as a member of the liturgical team. The servers assist at weekend Masses and special liturgies.
Bible Studies
We offer bible studies on a variety of topics throughout the liturgical year. Studies include topics such as the biblical basis for the Holy Mass, bible study times for men and women, or studies on the Sunday Gospel Readings.
Book Club
St. Joseph's Book Club meets on Saturday mornings from 10:30-12:30 in the downstairs parish meeting room. We read and discuss all manner of Catholic works, including poetry, lives of the saints, fiction, topical works, and spiritual growth and development. All are welcome!
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Contact Person: Kay Neidlinger, 530 244-3753.
A ministry welcoming Catholics who have been away from receiving the sacraments for a while.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Each Sunday the young people of our parish, ages 4 through 10, are encouraged to participate in their special celebration of God's Word.
Choir and Cantor
The role of our cantor and the choirs is not only to animate the assembly and to lead them in their sung prayer but also to broaden the assembly’s musical repertoire. All are welcome.
Environmental Committee
The St. Joseph Environmental Committee creates floral arrangements for our sanctuary. They also launder altar cloths, provide candle care, and all other necessary actions that keep the sanctuary area presentable to the community.
Eucharistic Adoration
Takes place first Fridays after the 8:30 am Mass with Benediction at noon. All are encouraged to spend a holy hour in adoration and meditation in the Presence of the Lord and we encourage all to participate in perpetual Adoration which is offered at Our Lady of Mercy Parish.
Please check out the “Catholic Corner” at the back of the church. Many brochures are offered as well as a DVD program. There is an ongoing program offered on the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These are the brothers and sisters who not only assist with the distribution of Communion at Mass, but many also take Holy Communion to those who are in hospitals, nursing homes, and homebound. We need more ministers. If interested contact the Rectory.
The Ministry of Hospitality consists of greeters and ushers who provide a friendly reception for our parish family and guests at Sunday Masses and on special occasions. The Ministry is open to all parish members; meet after Mass every fourth Sunday of the month and see how you can be involved in Hospitality.
The Knights of Columbus is an organization dedicated to the ideals of Columbianism: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Our local council covers two parishes and provides the backbone for many of the service projects of St. Joseph/St. Michael Mission, and Our Lady of Mercy parishes. Membership is open to any practicing Catholic adult man.
Linen Ministry
Launder the small linens used at Masses and provide new linens as needed.
Liturgy Committee
The celebration of the Most Holy Eucharist and other Sacraments which are encounters with the Risen Lord are the center of the Church’s life. The Liturgy Committee helps with the environment and all the ministries and preparations for the liturgical celebrations. We meet periodically and are always in new ideas to help our liturgies become truly encounters with God and loving welcoming celebrations where all may experience the Presence and the Holiness of God and the love of the brothers and sisters. We encourage new members to volunteer for a very special ministry.
Martha’s Ministry
The members of this ministry can assist the families of recently deceased parishioners by providing a reception after a funeral Mass or service. The Martha Ministry provides the reception for the family members and their guests who are attending the funeral of a loved one. Members of this ministry do not have to be present at the reception itself.
Ministers of the Word
The Word of God is central to our conversion and growth in holiness. That is why we need people who feel called to this important ministry of proclaiming the Word of God. If you feel called, please call the Rectory.
The program, formerly Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, is not referred to as OCIA. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which adults are fully initiated into our community of faith.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Church asks that a Pastoral Council exist in every parish to work with the Pastor to discern the guidance of the Holy Spirit in prayer and through the voice of the people in meeting the spiritual needs of the parishioners. This is a very important body that listens to the Holy Spirit to try to implement ministries and create a spirit of unity in our Parish, with the Diocese, and the Universal Church. We are always looking for people interested in contributing to making our Parish a more visible sign of the Kingdom of God among us. The Council advises the pastor on the spiritual needs of the people and works with him to answer those needs. Anyone interested in joining the Council may contact the Pastor.
Prayer, the Word of God, and Catechesis
Besides the Eucharistic celebrations on Sunday, we offer Daily Masses throughout the week. Please check the most current bulletin for any changes made to the Mass schedule. We encourage all our parishioners to participate more frequently in the Eucharistic celebration in which we celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Religious Education Program
A group of dedicated and faith-filled parishioners volunteer every week to pass our faith to our children. We are always in need of people who are called to this great ministry. Preparation for First Communion is a two-year process. Those families wishing to prepare their children for First Communion are required to enroll their children in religious education for one year before asking for preparation. Please contact Gayle Hermann, the coordinator, at the Rectory.
St. Joseph Catholic School
We are very proud of our school, and the great job our teachers do of not only providing a great education to our children but also passing on to them the faith and Gospel values. We have a great group of parents who assist the administrators through the parent guild and advisory commission in offering the education programs that parents are looking for in catholic education.
The great news of our faith is that Jesus Christ came to die for us to free us from death and give us eternal life. He is our life and Resurrection Who promised eternal life to those who believe in Him. That is why the Church from the very beginning treats with great care and holy respect the bodies of its deceased children. We do this not only because we believe that the Lord Jesus will raise them, but also because they were the temples of the Holy Spirit. We share a common faith in the Resurrection and it is proper that we who worship together in the Church may await together the Resurrection. We have a great committee of parishioners who assist in the ministry of the cemetery to help create an environment of hope and comfort for our families. We offer Mass every last Saturday of the month (April - October) for the repose of those buried there. Everyone is welcome. Our cemetery is beautiful and has enough space available for many years.
Society of St. Vincent De Paul
This organization is composed of members who are trying to reach out to the needy in our community with the love of Christ. It also enables its members to grow in holiness through prayer, meditation, cooperation with each other, and service to the poor. We encourage more parishioners to become members not only that we may reach more people with the love of Christ, but may also grow in holiness and love. Meetings are held at 5:15 PM on the third Tuesday of the month at Our Lady of Mercy. HOTLINE - (530) 243-7908
Stephens Ministry
Stephen Ministry prepares members of our Parish Community to provide loving, caring one one-on-one ministering to other members of our Parish who are shut in, have suffered a loss of a loved one, are depressed, elderly, ill, or are in some other stressful situation. The Stephen Minister is trained to provide quality Christian care to those in need of person-to-person ministering.
Vocations Committee
We are hoping to have members of our parish continue to build a Vocations Committee. A vocation cross is sent home from Mass on Sunday (St Michael Mission Church only). Please call the rectory if you would like to be more involved in this ongoing ministry.
Youth Ministry
Our Parish youth ministry program enables young people to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. We actively support positive youth development and foster healthy values and life skills. We support families of young people by providing resources, programs, and services. For more information contact Kristen Reagan at 530-941-2439